Dear All,
Many times we come across situation in which we need to format 100's of slides withing specified amount of time, and doing it manually is really not a smart way thats where macro comes in picture.
Below is sample macro I have written for formatting active slides :
I hope you know how to run macros ;) else you can always take help from Google!!!!!!
Dim myvar As Slide
Dim myvar1 As Shape
For Each myvar In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each myvar1 In myvar.Shapes
With myvar1
.Left = 50
.Top = 71
.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.Height = 410
.Width = 624
.Line.Visible = msoTrue
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
.Line.Weight = 0.5
End With
Above macro will simple change formatting for all active slides ;)
Hope you enjoyed!!
Best Regards,
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